- G.-M. Gie, M. Hamouda, C.-Y. Jung and R. Temam,
Singular Perturbations and Boundary Layers, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2018.
- R. Temam, Mathematical Problems in Plasticity,
Gauthier-Villars, Paris and New York, 1983 French edition, 1985 English edition, Russian Translation, Nauk, Moscow, 1991,
English version reedited by Dover Books in Physics, 2018.
- A. Miranville and R. Temam, Mathematical Modelling in Continuum Mechanics, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 2001. French Translation, Springer Verlag France, 2002,
Chinese Translation, Tsinghua University Press, 2004, 2nd English
Edition 2005. Russian translation, Binom Publishers, 2013.
- R. Temam and J. Tribbia, Guest Editors, P.G. Ciarlet
General Editor, Special volume of the Handbook of Numerical
Analysis on "Computational Methods for the Oceans and the
Atmosphere", Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2008.
- C. Foias, O. Manley, R. Rosa and R. Temam,
Turbulence and Navier-Stokes equations,
Cambridge University Press, 2001, Published in paperback form, and in electronic form, 2008.
- R. Temam, Navier-Stokes Equations, North-Holland Pub. Company, in
English, 1977, 1979, 1984. Reedition in the AMS-Chelsea Series, AMS,
Providence, 2001.
To request a PDF of articles that are not posted send e-mail to
Mathematical Problems in Meteorology and Oceanography
- Yining Cao, Mickael D. Chekroun, Aimin Huang and Roger Temam, Mathematical Analysis of the Jin-Neelin model of El Nino-southern oscillation,
Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, 40, 1, 2019,
1-38, DOI:10.1007/s11401-019-0001-7.
- Francesco Di Plinio, Andrea Giorgini, Vittorino Pata, and Roger Temam, Navier-Stokes-Voigt equations with memory in 3D lacking instantaneous kinematic viscosity,
J. Nonlinear Science, 28, 2018,
653-686, DOI: 10.1007/s00332-017-9422-1.
Yining Cao, Makram Hamouda, Roger Temam, Joseph Tribbia and XiaoyanWang, The Equations of the multi-phase humid atmosphere expressed as a quasi variational inequality,
Nonlinearity, 31, 2018,
- R. Temam and J. Tribbia, The equations of the moist advection: A unilateral problem,
J. of the Royal Meteorological Society (QJRMS), 2016,
142, 143-146; DOI: 10.1002/qj.2638
- R. Temam and K. Wu, Formulation of the equations of the humid atmosphere in the context of variational inequalities,
Journal of Functional Analysis, 269, 2015,
A. Bousquet, M. Chekroun, Y. Hong, R. Temam and J. Tribbia, Numerical simulations of the humid atmosphere above a mountain,
Math. Clim. Weather Forecast, 1, 2015,
96-126; DOI: 10.1515/mcwf-2015-0005.
- M. Coti Zelati, A. Huang, I. Kukavica, R. Temam and M. Ziane,
The primitive equations of the atmosphere in presence of vapor saturation, arXiv 1406.3165, Nonlinearity, 28, 2015,
625-668, DOI: 10.1088/0951-7715/28/3/625.
- R. Temam and J. Tribbia, Uniqueness of solutions for moist convection problems,
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (QJRMS), 140, 2014,
1315-1318, Part B. DOI:10.1002/qj2217.
- A. Huang and R. Temam, The linearized 2D inviscid shallow water equations in a rectangle: boundary conditions and well-posedness,
Archives for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 211, 2014,
1027-1063, DOI: 10.1007/s00205-013-0702-0.
- M. Coti Zelati, M. Frémond, R. Temam and J. Tribbia, Uniqueness, regularity and maximum principles for the equations of the atmosphere with humidity and saturation,
Physica D, 264, 2013,
- M. Coti Zelati and R. Temam, The atmospheric equation of water vapor with saturation,
Bolletino Un. Mat. Ital., 9, V, 2012,
- M. Petcu, R. Temam and M. Ziane, Some Mathematical Problems in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics,
Computational Methods for the Atmosphere and the Oceans, Special Volume of the Handbook of Numerical Analysis, Vol. XIV, Roger M. Temam and Joseph J. Tribbia, Guest Editors, P.G. Ciarlet Editor, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2008.
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
- Mickael D. Chekroun, Youngjoon Hong and Roger M. Temam, Enriched numerical scheme for singularly perturbed barotropic quasi-geostropic equations, to appear.
- Thierry Dubois, Francois Jauberteau, and Roger Temam, Dynamic Multilevel Methods and Turbulence,
in Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics, Second Edition, 2018,
edited by Erwin Stein, Ren de Borst and Thomas J. R. Hughes. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 1-76.
Regular and Singular Perturbations
- Makram Hamouda, Daozhi Han, Chang-Yeol Jung, Krutika Tawri and Roger Temam, Boundary layers for the subcritical modes of the 3D primitive equations in a cube,
Journal of Differential Equations, 267, 2019,
- Chang-Yeol Jung, Eunhee Park and Roger Temam, Boundary layer analysis of non-linear reaction-diffusion equations in a polygonal domain,
Nonlinear Analysis, 148, 2017,
- C.-Y. Jung, E. Park and R. Temam, Boundary layer analysis of nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations in a smooth domain,
Advances in Nonlinear Analysis, 6, 3, 2017,
277-300, DOI: 10.1515/anona-2015-0148.
- M. Hamouda, C.-Y. Jung and R. Temam, Boundary layers for the 3D primitive equations in a cube: The supercritical modes,
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 132, 2016,
- G.M. Gie, C-Y. Jung and R. Temam, Recent progresses in boundary layer theory,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (DCDS A), 36, No. 5, 2016,
2521-2583; doi:10.3934/dcds.2016.36.2521
- Y. Hong, C.-Y. Jung and R. Temam, Singular perturbation analysis of time dependent convection-diffusion equations in a circle,
Nonlinear Analysis TMA, 119, 2015,
127-148, DOI: 10.1016/
Navier Stokes Equations and Turbulence
- Ciprian Foias, Ricard M.S. Rosa and Roger M. Temam, Properties of stationary statistical solutions of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations,
J. of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Special issue in memory of George Sell, 31, 3, 2019,
- Andrea Giorgini, Alain Miranville and Roger Temam, Uniqueness and regularity for the Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard system,
SIAM J. of Mathematical Analysis (SIMA), 51, 3, 2019,
- Francesco Di Plinio, Andrea Giorgini, Vittorino Pata, and Roger Temam, Navier-Stokes-Voigt equations with memory in 3D lacking instantaneous kinematic viscosity,
J. Nonlinear Science, 28,
2018, 653-686, DOI: 10.1007/s00332-017-9422-1.
- C. Foias, R. Rosa and R. Temam, Convergence of time averages of weak solutions of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations,
arXiv 1411.3391, J. of Statistical Physics, 160, 2015,
519-531, DOI: 10.1007/s10955-015-1248-3.
Stochastic Analysis
- Phuong Nguyen and Roger Temam, The Stampacchia maximum principle for stochastic partial differential equations forced by Levy Noise,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B (DCDS-B), to appear.
- Justin Cyr, Phuong Nguyen and Roger Temam, Stochastic one layer shallow equation with Levy noise,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, Special issue in honor of Peter Kloeden, 24, 8, 2019,
3765-3818, doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2018331.
- Justin Cyr, Sisi Tang and Roger Temam, A comparison of two settings for stochastic integration with respect to Levy processes in infinite dimensions,
in Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics, E. Rocca et al. (eds.), Springer INdAM Series 27, Proceedings of the Stamm Conference, Rome, Italy, 2018,
289-373, DOI: 14.
- Joshua Link, Phuong Nguyen and Roger Temam, Local martingale solutions to the two-layer shallow water equations with multiplicative white noise,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 461,
1, 2018, 701-751,
- YoungJoon Hong, Chang-Yeol Jung and Roger Temam, Boundary layer analysis for the stochastic nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations,
Physica D, 376-377, 2018,
- Justin Cyr, Sisi Tang and Roger Temam, The Euler equations of an inviscid incompressible fluid driven by a Levy noise,
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications (NONRWA), 44, 2018,
- J. Link, P. Nguyen and R. Temam, Local martingale solutions to the stochastic one layer shallow water equations,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 448, No 1, 2017,
- M.D. Chekroun, E. Park and R. Temam, The Stampacchia maximum principle for stochastic partial differential equations and applications,
Journal of Differential Equations, 260, 2016, 2926-2972;
Reaction-Diffusion Equations
- Du Pham and Roger Temam, A result of uniqueness of solutions of the Shigesada-Kawasaki-Teramoto equations,
Advances in Nonlinear Analysis, 8, 2019,
497-507, DOI:10.1515/anona-2017-0078, arXiv1703.10544.
- Du Pham and Roger Temam,Weak solutions of the Shigesada-Kawasaki-Teramoto equations and their attractors,
Nonlinear Analysis, 159, 2017,
- Mercedes Hernando-Perez, Sima Setayeshgar, Yifeng Hou, Roger Temam, Yves V. Brun, Bogdan Dragnea and Cecile Berne, Layered structure and complex mechanochemistry underlie strength and versatility in bacterial adhesive,
(mBio) American Society for Microbiology, 9, 1, 2018, 1-19,
- A. Bousquet, B. Dragnea, M. Tayachi and R. Temam, Towards modeling nanoindentation of virus shells: Do substrate adhesion and geometry matter?,
Physica D, 336, 2016,
Recent Preprints
- T. Ma and S. Wang, Quantum Mechanism of Condensation and High TC Superconductivity,
Preprint #1712, Institute for Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics, Indiana Univeristy Bloomington, 2017
- T. Ma and S. Wang, Statistical Theory of Heat,
Preprint #1711, Institute for Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics, Indiana Univeristy Bloomington, 2017
- T. Ma and S. Wang, Dynamic Law of Physical Motion and Potential-Descending Principle,
Preprint #1710, Institute for Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics, Indiana Univeristy Bloomington, 2017
- T. Ma and S. Wang, On Indeterminacy Problem in Quantum Mechanics,
Preprint #1601, Institute for Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics, Indiana Univeristy Bloomington, 2016